Alarm Prompt


LycoVent Action

Clinician Action

Alarm Settings

Abnormal Plateau Pressure

Measured plateau pressure is higher than the measured peak pressure.

Continue normal operation.

Visible alert on screen and Medium Priority tone.

Check for patient cough

Revert to manual ventilation if required.


Driving Pressure Hi

Peak Pressure - PEEP is larger than (Plateau Press – PEEP) x 2 

Continue normal operation.

Visible alert on screen and High Priority tone tone.

Check Driving H value set on alarm setup is the required value. Default value is 35 cm H2O.

Confirm PEEP valve value is the same as PEEP setting on LycoVent.

Check the patient circuit and BMV for any obstructions that could be adding resistance.



Measured PEEP value is more than 1.1 x PEEP set value

Continue normal operation. Visible alert on screen and Medium Priority tone

Check the PEEP value set on the LycoVent matches the value set on the PEEP valve.

Check for pressure stacking and adjust ventilation parameters accordingly.

Revert to manual ventilation if required.


Leak Detected

Measured PEEP value is less than 0.9 x PEEP set value.

Continue normal operation.

Visible alert on screen and High Priority tone.

Check the PEEP value set on the LycoVent matches the value set on the PEEP valve.

Inspect PEEP valve for any signs of wear and ensure it is connected to the patient circuit correctly.

Check the patient circuit for leaks.

Revert to manual ventilation if required.


Low Pressure Disconnect

Plateau pressure is lower than the Plat L set on the ventilator.

Continue normal operation.

Visible alert on screen and Low Priority tone.

Check Plateau L value set on alarm setup is the required value. Correct if required.

Check patient circuit and BMV for any leaks or disconnects.

Confirm ventilation parameters. Correct if required.


Plateau Pressure High

Measured plateau pressure is higher than the set Plateau H value on the LycoVent.

Immediately stop compression, open completely. Resume normal operation at start of breathing cycle.

Visible alert on screen and High Priority tone

Check the Plateau H value set on the LycoVent is the required value. Default is set to 30 cm H2O.

Confirm ventilation settings. Correct if required

Revert to manual ventilation if required.


PMAX Exceeded

The inspiratory pressure is higher than maximum allowed pressure set on ventilator- 50cmH2O

Immediately stop compression, open completely. Resume normal operation at start of breathing cycle.

Visible alert on screen and High Priority tone.

Attend to patient and revert to manual ventilation if required.

Confirm the PMAX value set on the alarm setup is the required value. Correct if required.

Confirm ventilation settings. Correct if required.

Inspect patient breathing circuit and BMV for obstructions / faults. Replace component if required.


Pressure Tx Fault

Pressure not detected or no change

LycoVent will continue operation. Visible Alert on screen High Priority tone

Check sensor tubing correctly connected. If problem persists, revert to manual ventilation until alternative ventilator connected. Contact manufacturer


Tidal Press Lo

Tidal pressure is measured below 10 cm H2O.

Continue normal operation.

Visible alert on screen and Medium Priority tone.

Check for correct configuration and/or leaks
